Gender identity dysphoria or disorder also known as sex change procedure is increasing as awareness is increasing. The surgeons are also getting experienced in this. For any sex change procedure there are three basic things needed after getting psychiatric clearance.

For visible change face is the most important part which needs to be addressed. For this purpose  plastic surgeon with special interest in facial surgery needs to do it. There are lot of things needed to change the facial feature from male to female as well as from female to male.
The things that are required to change in male to female is brow area of bone, shortening of forehead by lowering the hairline, eyebrow elevation, nose job, molar area correction, angle of jaw bone correction, chin reshaping, and upper lip shortening. Once everything is done you see a definite change in shape.
In female to male the above things are needed in the augmentation way like the hair line recession, jaw bone augmentation , chin augmentation . Eyebrow correction if needed. Beard and moustache transplant if needed.
Once all these things are done then patient can see the real change in facial feature.
These patients need the feature so that they can be presentable in society and mix up among there gender easily.


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