Treatment of Baldness

There is no cure for common baldness, but surgical hair replacement canLinkgive you back a head of your own hair. Available since the 1950s, surgical hair replacement is a low-risk procedure.

Surgeons remove tiny plugs (grafts) of your hair-bearing skin and transplant them into tiny holes made in your scalp. They take these plugs from the band of hair extending from above your ears around the back of your scalp.

During one session, surgeon may transplant between 60 and 100 hair plugs, each about the diameter of a pencil eraser.

There are two technique which is more naturally followed.
    Follicular unit strip method
    Follicular unit extraction(FUE)
Nowadays with the availability of both technique and the advantage of both of both are taken another technique has come into use. This is a combination of both the technique in one patient to take out maximum number of follicular unit to give best result.
With the avalability of follicular unit extraction methods and newer fine punches upto 0.7 mm in diameter the result are good and now the hairs can be taken from the different body areas.
There are different techniques for the extraction the units
One is by manual method which is very tedious and require long hours for the procedure
Second is by machine i.e is SAFE system from USA which is very good in terms of speed and precision
There are different puches from 0.7 mm to 1.3 mm.
Thirdly a new sytem has come up called the neograft machine which combines the technique of SAFE system and negative suction so that it can be done by single user
Fouthly the latest advancement is the Robotic system
Follicular unit strip method
This is method in which maximum no. of follicular unit can be extracted in single sittings
We use stereo microscopes to give te best result.
Which method is best
There is no single method that is best but it is the judicious use of both the methods that gives the best result . in my clinic I am using both the methods and also a combination in some patient. The method is chosen according to the requirement , patient choice and donor site availability.
How many graft in single sitting
We are doing more than 5000 follicular unit in single sitting.
Number of cases per year
We are doing more than 125 cases per year


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